Bollywood star Anushka Sharma will be returning to the screen after four years. Her Next film Chakda Xpress is all set to premiere on Netflix. Netflix recently released the teaser of the film on Thursday. The movie is based on former Indian cricket team captain Jhulan Goswami’s life. The movie’s backdrop is the 2008’s World Cup when the Indian team was going to face the Australian team but sadly, there were no spectators to cheer for them.
The film’s teaser questions “If cricket is a religion, why are men the only Gods?” The shooting of the film will begin soon.
Director: Prosit Roy
Written by: Abhishek Banerjee
Production House: Clean Slate Filmz
Regarding the film, Anushka Sharma said, “It is a really special film because it is essentially a story of tremendous sacrifice. Chakda Xpress is inspired by the life and times of former Indian captain Jhulan Goswami and it will be an eye-opener into the world of women’s cricket. At a time when Jhulan decided to become a cricketer and make her country proud on the global stage, it was very tough for women to even think of playing the sport. This film is a dramatic retelling of several instances that shaped her life and also women’s cricket.”
Jhulan Goswami had made her international debut in cricket in the year 2002as a fast bowler. She was the skipper of women’s cricket and led the team to several victories and won the ICC Women’s Cricketer of the Year award in 2007.
She led the team from 2008 to 2011. She received the Arjuna Award in 2010 and the Padma Shri award in 2012. She was also a part of the Indian team that played the finals against England in 2017’s Women’s Cricket World Cup. The Bengal pacer retired from the T20I format in 2018.
Check out the teaser of the film
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