Amazon Prime Video released a new trailer for the new film ‘Ammu‘ The Telugu film features Aishwarya Lekshmi in the pivotal role. The story revolves around a young woman who has been subjected to domestic violence. After watching the trailer, the story of Ammu is quite pretty straightforward. There is a young woman who has been voiced to e submissive to the patriarchal values facing such physical violence at the hands of her husband. In the scene, while Ammu has complained to her mother that her husband just slapped her, the first question she has asked is, ‘What did you do?’
The role of her husband is played by Naveen Chandra who is a police officer. It seems like he is pruning to abuse of power both in his professional and personal life. He has met his most fierce opponent while Ammu has taken the decision that she had enough fight together.
Ammu at the core is a tale of empowerment. Plating the role of a woman really entangled in an abusive relationship was both challenging and emboldening in its own way. As a woman, there is a lot in Ammu to feel with. The most important part is to always speak one’s truth and stand up for one.
Ammu: Cast
The film features Simha who played a cheeky, wise-cracking lawbreaker who accepts that jail is his second home. The film has been written and directed by Charukesh Sekar, the movie has been bankrolled by Kalyan Subramaniam and Kaarthekeyen Santhanam. The writer-director Charukesh Sekar said, “Ammu is very close to my heart. Ammu’s journey in the film as she learns to take a stand against her oppressor will leave the viewers thrilled and moved by its revelatory and relevant drama,”
Ammu: Release Date
The film will hit on Amazon Prime Video on 19th October 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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