AMD’s new strategy to lure customers before Intel’s big Alder Lake launch is cutting the prices of its existing Ryzen 5000 series processors. However, we know the prices for an authentic AMD Ryzen 5 5600X has decreased by the Rs.26k-27k price range, however, some sellers on Amazon are selling for just Rs.23k.
Now, obviously, some are fake but customers have found a way to fool Amazon and get their new CPU for just ₹22,999. Some sellers like lopezenterprise, covetedclicks, Always Open are selling at very low prices which makes them even more suspectable.
Now, if somehow you place an order from such a seller and if it gets cancelled somehow, this user from Amazon India has listed a way with which you can get the price difference. So, the customer called Amazon support and asked if they could cover the price difference and the buyer is confident you get up to Rs.4k refund too by this way.
Well, we aren’t sure if this would work, however, provided how Amazon India’s support is, you could surely experiment to get some discount on your new Ryzen 5 5600X order.
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