Today Amazon announced a Prime Video feature in the US for the co-viewing purpose. It is called ‘Watch Party’ that allows Amazon Prime Subscribers to watch any of the available content together at the same time. The control of the playback will be in the host’s hands.
The host’s activity on the playback will be directly reflected to the other screens throughout the session as all are synced there. Each time maximum of 100 users can join. All of them need to have a Prime subscription and location within the US during the Party.
Along with the viewing facility, there is also a chat section where the viewers can communicate with others through text as well as built-in emojis.
To start hosting a ‘Watch Party’ one needs to go to his/her favorite show page and select the Watch Party icon. The system will provide a link that can be shared with others to join the session. Point to note, this facility is available only to the web version (accessible through all browsers except Apple’s Safari). Other platforms like mobiles, TVs, tablets are not supported currently.
In the case of range, the ‘Watch Party’ facility is available across more than 70 Amazon Prime Video titles and they are adding more. But it would not be available for the rented or purchased titles.
This feature, probably, is in Beat format and may expand its availability after getting ready for the customers.
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