On Friday, February 23rd the Amazfit Active Edge was unveiled in India, where the company shared information, about this wearable. It is set to hit the market in the country this month. The smartwatch boasts a display and four buttons. It is touted for its durable design. It comes with a range of installed gym, workout, and exercise modes along with support for over 100 watch faces. The device reportedly offers a battery life of up to 16 days.
More About the Amazfit Active Edge Smartwatch
The Amazfit Active Edge is available in three color choices: Lava Black, Mint Green, and Midnight Pulse priced at ₹12,999 in India. It will be retailed through Amazon, the Amazfit India website, and select stores starting on February 27th.
Equipped with a 1.32-inch LTPO LCD screen featuring a resolution of 360 x 360 pixels the Amazfit Active Edge also features a fingerprint coating on its touchscreen. It runs on ZeppOS 2.0 software. With a 370mAh battery onboard the device claims to deliver up to 16 days of battery life under usage conditions and up to 24 days in power saving mode as, per specifications.
Like fitness trackers, the Amazfit Active Edge includes features such, as continuous monitoring of heart rate tracking of blood oxygen levels or SpO2 stress monitoring, counting steps tracking activities, and monitoring sleep patterns. The information gathered by these sensors can be synced with the Zepp App. Furthermore, this smartwatch is fitted with a PPG sensor. It is compatible, with GPS, Galileo, GLONASS, and QZSS connections.
With Bluetooth 5.0 support, the Amazfit Active Edge is compatible with devices running Android 7.0, iOS 14.0, and above. It boasts 10ATM water resistance and offers more than 100 watch faces and various sports modes. Additionally, it features the Zepp Coach mode, which provides customized training plans to users.
Buy the Amazfit Active Edge: https://amzn.to/3ORI1Li