Raja Koduri, the senior vice president and chief architect of Intel’s discrete graphics division confirmed that currently, the company is working on a 1-tile version that has 512 EUs and 4096 cores, a 2-tile version which possesses 8192 cores, and a 4-tile version with 16,384 cores.
This unique Arctic Sound GPU is an MCM-based design with 4 tiles and 16,384 cores. It is a multi-chip module with multiple tiles that will give an extensive performance. This card was benchmarked at 1.3GHz with 16,384 cores across the 4-tile Arctic Sound Xe GPU with an insane 42 TFLOPs of FP32 compute performance and near-perfect (x3.993) scaling on a 4-tile MCM GPU.
This monstrous GPU is particularly designed for data centers and sadly, it will not be coming in the consumer market any time soon. However, gamers don’t need to get disappointed because Intel had announced a brand of GPUs called the Intel HPG (Intel High-Performance Xe architecture for Gaming) for the gaming community. Intel has said that the Xe HP GPUs will be featuring Intel’s Dev Cloud “soon” so that software developers can start working on its ecosystem
Intel 4-tile Xe GPU benchmarks
 Intel on their Architecture Day 2020 has transcripted the benchmarks with the following statements:-
“We’ve leveraged Intel’s unique packaging innovations for an industry-first multi tiled highly scalable and high-performance architecture. This is XE HP. Let’s take a look at what it can do. XE HP was designed to be a media supercomputer on a PCIe card. Here you’ll see us transcoding a 4K video real-time, up to 60 frames per second, on a single stream, but we didn’t stop there”.
“By utilizing our industry-leading media IP and creating the most dense media architecture on a GPU with ffmpeg, we can transcode up to 10 full streams of high-quality HEVC 4K video at 60 frames per second on a single tile and you can see the ffmpeg output on screen displaying the progression of real-time transcoder of each frame”.
“By optimizing for bitrate efficiency and stream density customers are able to realize real-world TCO improvements for delivery of video content that scale along with media. We place compute throughput in the forefront of Xe architecture, increasing the total number of execution units by over 100x when compared to XE LP. Viewing this through the lens of fp32 performance XE HP covers a dynamic range of compute throughput with near linear scalability from one tile to four tile and tracking the most FP 32 Peak performance placed onto a single GPU package when measured by the CLP benchmark”.
Intel concluded, with a major tease: “This unique combination of compute and media performance provides customers the flexibility to design for their most demanding applications, and we’ve only just begun”.
With the world’s fastest single GPU having massive performance power of 42 TLFOPs, Intel’s Arctic Sound GPU beats PlayStation 5 GPU with 4x speed. Although it will not hit the market for consumers, we will all be eagerly waiting to see what this beast will achieve in the near future.
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