, the leading online gaming platform collaborated with top influencers for their flagship Adda52 Online Poker Series. The series witnessed widespread participation from players across the country. The influencers were instrumental in nudging users to explore the game of poker, not just for the big wins but also as a recreational mind sport that helps develop cognitive skills. has strategically partnered with Karishma Tanna, known for her prominent roles in popular television shows such as Scoop and F.I.R., to harness her broad audience appeal and credibility in promoting the platform’s offerings and advocating poker as a mind sport. Similarly, Arjun Bijlani and Krystle D’souza’s association with Adda52 Online Poker Series (AOPS) helped tap into the diverse audience base of reality TV and soap operas establishing poker as a source of thrill and excitement.
Adda52 partners with celebrities to establish poker as a mainstream mind sport
Commenting on the partnerships, Mr. Joydeep Mukherjee, Chief Marketing Officer, Deltatech Gaming said, “Poker while picking up rapidly is still relatively nascent in India. Our partnership with distinguished celebrities like Karishma, Arjun, and Krystle helps us in our mission to make the game of poker mainstream in India and in underscoring poker’s potential to sharpen cognitive abilities.”
Adda52 has earlier collaborated with celebrities from different walks of life like Ali Fazal, David Warner, Chris Gayle, and Salim Merchant who strike a chord with the young and vibrant poker-playing community in the country and help with enhancing the appeal of the mind sport.
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