After the launch of Apple’s M1 chip, the entire tech community has set their eyes on the Cupertino giant. We are anxiously waiting for Apple’s very own cellular modem to hit the market. But to our surprise, it is not Apple that we should be looking for. Instead, Microsoft is about to still the thunder.
According to recent sources, Microsoft is reportedly developing its own ARM-based custom chipset that will power its future surface models and its servers. As of now, almost all Surface models feature Intel processors, except Surface Laptop 3. However, if the software giant introduces its home-made silicon, Intel will lose its great customer.
As per our experience, Microsoft has always upgraded its Surface products with only minimal changes. But the introduction of the new silicon could bring something positive for the surface models. It’s unclear what the chip will be called and who the company is teaming with to make this possible.
Sources also claim that the chip will also be launched. And surprisingly, in Microsoft’s Azure cloud services, the chip supplier is Intel. It indicates that Microsoft is trying to reduce dependency on its hardware partner in favour of ARM-based silicon.
After the success of Apple’s ARM-based silicon, Microsoft is hugely determined to launch its ARM-based chipset. But all this bodes terrible news for intel. It already lost Apple’s hardware, and now it seems that the company is set on losing not only the surface models but also Microsoft’s cloud servers. As to how intel will deal with this remains to be seen.