As per a recent report from tipsters, the company is about to use a ‘hybrid OLED’ display for its 2022 iPad line ups. However, back in November, another report said about the planning of Apple to introduce mini-LED and OLED displays in iPad by 2021. To use the hybrid OLED displays by 2022, Apple has already made requests to some renowned suppliers like Samsung Display and LG Display. It will be really interesting to see what kind of technology Apple is going to use in the new OLED displays.
The hybrid OLED displays are said to be thinner than normal OLED displays. For this display, Apple is very much dependent on Samsung and LG as both are top class display manufactures. As per reports, Apple will start supplying the displays in 2022 and some sources also say that Samsung has already started working on it. On the other hand, LG will start supplying a year later.
As per the build quality, a hybrid OLED display is a combination of flexible and rigid OLED. So, the manufacturers are going to use flexible as well as rigid (TFT- Thin Film Transistor) substrates to make this kind of display. Earlier, we have mentioned that the hybrid OLED display will be much thinner than the regular one. But it is rigid as well to withstand more and more impacts and for obvious reasons, it will be costlier as well. That’s why we can expect that in the future, Apple will be able to make thinner iPads with lesser weight.