Advanced Micro Devices has been in the news around the year, and with the launch of its latest graphics cards. The company has yet again made the headlines. Delivering on its promise, the company has finally launched. It’s AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT GPUs for US$999. The graphics card comes with 16 GB VRAM and has a board power of 300 W.
When we compare the card with NVIDIA’s latest GeForce RTX 3090, we find that the green team is offering its module at US$1,499 with 24 GB VRAM and 350 W TDP. It is also offering an affordable version at US$699, which comes with 10GB VRAM and a TDP of 320 W.
According to sources, the developers at Igor’s Lab have posted their tests of power consumption capabilities of the RX 6900 XT. And the results are incredibly satisfying. Reports indicate that the board was tested both with Smart Access Memory enabled as well as disabled. The test results suggest that while running at 1080p, the RX 6900 XT consumed a power equalling 299.1 W while Smart Access Memory is enabled. While SAM was disabled, the RX 6900 XT finished a total of 299.7 W, which is not much of a visible difference. Its competitor, the GeForce RTX 3090, on the other hand, consumed 352.7 W power, and the RTX 3080 consumed 328.4 W power.
In the 4H test, the AMD Radeon RX 6900 XT consumed 303.5 W to 303.6 W. At the same time, its competitor, the RTX 3080, had an average power consumption here of 330.0 W and the RTX 3090 was at 356.9 W. So, overall, the test results indicate that the RX 6900 XT is a power-efficient graphics card when compared to the RTX 3080 and RTX 3090.
But as it stands now, both NVIDIA and AMD are yet to solve the supply constraint issue. Hence, no matter the performance or the graphics cards’ original cost, since the supply will not satisfy the demand, their prices will sky-high.