Itel will officially introduce its budget-device Itel Zeno 10 smartphone in India on January 9. As confirmed by the “Amazon Specials” tag on promotional material, the device will be sold exclusively through Amazon. The device starts at a price of ₹5XXX, hinting that it would retail aluminum at the general price below ₹6,000. In addition, higher RAM and storage variants of Zeno 10, possibly priced just higher than the base variant, may be available.
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Itel Zeno 10 Set for India Launch on January 9: Budget-Friendly Features and Pricing Revealed
In terms of design, the Itel Zeno 10 has a square rear camera module with rounded corners on the top left end of the back panel. It has a dual camera sensor and an LED flash inside the module. Teaser images display a black rear panel along with red and white graphics, but this pattern is likely the one that comes as a complimentary skin, not the actual panel. On the right edge, the volume rocker and the power button, a simple and functional arrangement.
Averages out, there is a teasing display with narrow bezels and a moderately thick chin up front. It will also feature a centered hole-punch cutout for the front camera, providing a contemporary look. The most notable features include a collapsible bar that functions a bit like Dynamic Island, as well as various performance optimization tools aimed at improving the overall user experience.
The report adds that the Itel Zeno 10 will come with a “bold” and “Stylish” packaging aimed at Gen-Z users. The phone will likely ship with Android 14 on board, so you’ll be sure to have all the latest software updates and features. It is also said to house a massive 5,000mAh capacity battery that will provide dependable all-day usage.
This coming launch comes as Itel continues to focus on entry-level smartphones that feature a good balance of affordability and functionality. The Zeno 10, with its sleek design, modern features, and affordable price, seeks to solidify Itel’s standing in the budget smartphone market and meet the demands of youth who use technology.
When will the Itel Zeno 10 launch in India?
The Zeno 10 will launch on January 9, 2025.
Where will the Itel Zeno 10 be available for purchase?
It will be available exclusively on Amazon India.