Samsung India has announced special Christmas offers on its newly launched Galaxy wearables such as the Galaxy Watch Ultra, Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, Galaxy Buds FE, and more. The sale is live now, on December 20th, on the Samsung India e-store. Consumers can benefit from instant bank discounts, no-cost EMI, and a multi-buy offer on bundling the wearable devices with the new Galaxy S and Z-series phones.
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Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra, Watch 7, Buds 3 Pro & More Get Up to ₹12,000 Off in Christmas Sale
The Galaxy Watch Ultra, originally priced at ₹59,999, offers ₹12,000 off via bank discounts or an upgrade bonus, along with up to 24 months of no-cost EMI. The Galaxy Watch 7 is priced at ₹29,999, and offers a ₹8,000 bank cashback or upgrade bonus, also with up to 24 months no-cost EMI. The Galaxy Buds 3 Pro, priced at ₹19,999, offers ₹5,000 off or an upgrade bonus, with the same EMI option. The Galaxy Buds 3, priced at ₹14,999, offers ₹4,000 off or an upgrade bonus, along with up to 24 months of no-cost EMI.
Lastly, the Galaxy Buds FE, priced at ₹9,999, comes with ₹4,000 off or an upgrade bonus. The bank discount is applicable for all major bank credit and debit cards. Samsung Axis Bank credit card customers will also get an additional 10 percent cashback on selected products on top of these offers. Additionally, when buyers purchase the Galaxy Ring, they will receive free Samsung 45W travel adapter during the ‘Samsung Live’ event, on the Samsung website from December 20 to December 22.
While the website doesn’t mention when the discounts and the bank offers will end, it is advisable to not wait too long since stocks may run out. Additionally, Samsung is offering a multi-buy promotion, where customers purchasing the Galaxy Z Fold 6/Flip 6 or Galaxy S24 series, along with the latest wearable, can avail themselves of additional offers up to ₹18,000.
What discounts are available on the Samsung Galaxy Ultra?
You can get up to ₹12,000 off through bank discounts or an upgrade bonus.
Is there any additional offer for Galaxy Axis Bank credit cardholders?
Yes, they get an extra 10% cashback on select products.