Karan Johar, the celebrated filmmaker and head of Dharma Productions, has officially announced a sequel to the groundbreaking Hindi action film Kill. Directed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat, the original film featured Lakshya, Tanya Maniktala, and Raghav Juyal in leading roles. It premiered at the 2023 Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) and hit Indian theatres in July, garnering attention both domestically and internationally.
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Karan Johar Confirms Kill Sequel Plans; Hopes for International Success with Upcoming Collaboration
Kill’s Global Success and International Collaboration
Johar made this exciting revelation during the Global Leadership Summit in Mumbai, hosted by CNBC-TV18. He highlighted the film’s significant impact overseas, emphasizing deals struck at TIFF that have paved the way for an English-language version, currently under development.
Adding to its international footprint, Kill is set to be remade by Chad Stahelski’s 87Eleven Entertainment, the studio behind the John Wick franchise, for Lionsgate. This remake underscores the growing demand for Indian content on the global stage. Johar also shared plans for the film to be dubbed in multiple languages, further expanding its reach.
However, Johar firmly stated his stance against compromising the authenticity of Indian cinema for global standards. He believes the unique charm and distinctive spirit of Indian storytelling are key to its worldwide appeal.
The Kill Franchise: A New Chapter
The sequel, which Johar teased as a promising project, builds upon the original’s success. As India’s first interactive action thriller, Kill followed Indian Army commando Amrit and his love interest Tulika battling for survival on a hijacked train. Renowned for its intense action and graphic violence, the film received critical acclaim for setting a new benchmark in Indian cinema.
Produced by Sikhya Entertainment, alongside Dharmatic Studios and Dharma Productions, the first installment was a collaborative effort involving Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Guneet Monga Kapoor, and Achin Jain.
Kill 1 Recap
Kill introduced audiences to an adrenaline-pumping narrative centered on Amrit, a determined commando, and Tulika, his romantic partner. The story unfolded on a hijacked train, where the duo faced a brutal dacoit gang in a battle for survival. The film stood out for its visceral action sequences, making it a trailblazer in Indian cinema. As the franchise expands, the anticipation for the sequel is palpable, with fans eagerly awaiting what promises to be another thrilling ride.
When is the sequel to Kill expected to be released?
The release date for the Kill sequel has not been announced yet.
Is there an English remake of Kill in the works?
Yes, an English remake of Kill is being produced with John Wick director Chad Stahelski attached.