Earlier, Oppo has revealed a number of concept images of its first scroll-type smartphone, Oppo X. As per the patents, Oppo will launch this phone in 2021. As per the concept, this phone will have curved sides in place of the flat ones. There will be a certain button to expand the display wider. If you press the button, the display will get widened. The display size can be varied from 6.7-inch to 7.4-inch and it will be an OLED panel. The most beautiful thing is the conversion from 6.7-inch to 7.4-inch is so smooth and this thing makes this rollable phone more premium.
Oppo has recently done a number of durability tests on its upcoming Oppo X. As it will be the first-ever rollable smartphone from Oppo, the company has to check it in all aspects. After the test, the company has found that it is working quite well. During the unveiling event of the Oppo X, Jin Xiang (Oppo’s hardware structural engineer) has shown some exciting images of the Oppo X 2021. He also stated that this upcoming smartphone has been tested multiple times and it performed really well.
In terms of testing, Jin Xiang has stated that the Oppo X 2021 withstood 100,000 curls without any dispute or damage. It is a kind of a durability test in which the display of the device has been expanded and retracted continuously 100,000 times. The main thing is, 100,000 is not even the limit. So, this phone will be durable in the true sense.
But Oppo is further working more on the display to make it almost errorless. So, to make the display finer, the launch of this phone is expected to be extended till 2022. A few tipsters have also pointed out that this phone may not be ready for retail in 2021. That’s why Oppo needs some more time to fully complete the work behind this phone and make it available in 2022.