Oppo India confirmed the new Oppo F27 5G‘s debut in India through an X post. In the teaser, the phone is seen sporting a circular camera module that houses two back cameras. The camera configuration initially reminds us of the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G, which was made official in June.
The OPPO F27 5G will go on sale in India the following week, however, a precise date has not yet been announced. Soon, OPPO is anticipated to formally announce the debut of the F27.
OPPO F27 5G specifications and pricing (rumored)
Oppo kept the primary characteristics and precise debut date of the next smartphone a secret. Next week, it is rumored to be presented with two RAM and storage configurations: 8GB + 128GB and 8GB + 256GB.
The GenAI features of the OPPO F27 Pro Plus are anticipated to boost productivity and provide added value for users. The first update, named AI Eraser 2.0, is designed to remove unwanted objects or people from images with 98% accuracy, akin to Google’s Magic Eraser.
The second update, named AI Smart Matting 2.0, enables users to crop multiple subjects or objects from a single picture and then utilize those cutouts as stickers or GIF files to create short videos or meme messages. The AI Studio feature enables users to create AI-generated images from templates featuring cowboys, astronauts, and even cyberpunk heroes.
With a 5,000mAh battery that supports 67W wired fast charging, the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G is powered by a MediaTek Dimensity 7050 chipset. It features a 64-megapixel dual back camera unit and is water and dust resistant, with an IP69 rating.
It’s anticipated that the Oppo F27 5G would retail below the Oppo F27 Pro+ 5G. The country’s starting pricing for the latter is Rs. 27,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB model, and Rs. 29,999 for the 8GB + 256GB version.