Realme debut to the smartwatch market around six months ago, in May, with its Realme Watch. After getting a satisfactory response from its fans, the company now finally expands its lineup with the Realme Watch S. Though the launch is not a surprise, rumors were leaked about it earlier. Here are all the details of the outcome.
The new Realme Watch S has a circular dial, instead of the square one, hold by an aluminum alloy frame. There are two buttons too on the right. The display offered is of 3.3-inch IPS LCD with 360×360 resolution. For protection, Realme added Gorilla Glass 3 on top along with an IP68 rating. It didn’t even compromise in the case of viewing and style. That because the Realme Watch S has 600 nits pick brightness, 5-level auto-brightness control, and the most demanded, 100+ unique watch faces.
It’s obvious there will be various kinds of activity and health factor trackers. The list includes a heart rate tracker, sleep monitor, blood oxygen level trackers, 16 individual sports modes, and more.
In this smartwatch, the Realme team puts its own operating system in Google’s efficient WearOS. It’s the same as the earlier smartwatch model and comes with the same features and all. The only difference is, it is optimized for the round dial.
A 390mAh battery inside allows the smartwatch to run for up to 15 days and recharge fully; it takes around 2 hours. The company provides a magnetic charger for this purpose.
Coming to the pricing and availability details. Though this is a global launch, Realme showcased the Realme Watch S in Pakistan. In that country, this watch costs 14,999 PKR, which is around Rs.6,999. Any specific launch date for the Indian market is not announced yet, but you can expect it very soon.
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