Xiaomi has launched Mi 10 Ultra outside India and the most interesting thing about the phone is its charger. This phone carries a monster 120W fast charger with it. That means it is one of those few smartphones in the market that supports 100W+ fast charging, credit to the Quick Charger 5. But a recent charging test has shown us that the Mi 10 Ultra charger at 80W, not at 120W.
As per the battery charging test, the testers have found that in spite of having a 120W fast charger, this phone chargers at a comparatively slower rate. It was quite faster than the other smartphones right now in the market. But in terms of the 120W, it was too slow. After getting this shocking result, the Android Authority has done some extra tests and has found that the Mi 10 Ultra actually charges at just 80W compared to the 120W advertised by Xiaomi.
If we breakdown the charging, we find that the charger begins drawing 92.3W of power when first plugged. But for the most part of charging duration, it falls to 86.4W. But as we said that it was comparatively slower, but way faster than any of the smartphones in the market. It takes just only 21 minutes to get the phone charged from o to 100 percent. You can also charge this phone with an 18W adapter. In that case, it will get fully charged at 68 minutes, and with a 50W, it will get fully charged at 29 minutes.
In terms of the battery temperature, at the time of 80W charging, the temp reaches 43.8°C whereas the ideal temperature is 40°C. But the good thing is, the device does not maintain a high temperature throughout the charging duration. The temperature dropped when the charging gets to 70%. In the case of a 50W charger, the temperature reaches 39.1°C. So, if the phone is being charged at the highest 120W charger, the temperature will be too much. So, using 80W in place of 120W is not that bad for an option as it will be better for the phone’s battery life and safety.