Anil Kapoor, renowned for his streak of consecutive hits, has been riding high with recent successes in films like “Animal” alongside Ranbir Kapoor and “Fighter” starring Hrithik Roshan. With both films garnering global box office acclaim, Kapoor is now poised to venture into the Yash Raj Films Spy Universe. Securing a pivotal role as the RAW Chief, Kapoor’s collaboration with the makers signifies a significant addition to this cinematic universe.
Anil Kapoor Joins Yash Raj Films Spy Universe: Next Big Star to Step into the after Salman Khan, SRK, and Hrithik Roshan
According to media reports, Anil Kapoor is set to step into the shoes of the RAW Chief in the acclaimed YRF spy universe. Signing a substantial long-term deal with the makers, Kapoor’s portrayal is expected to replace the iconic character previously played by Girish Karnad. Speculations suggest that Kapoor may feature prominently across various upcoming films within the YRF universe.
Will Alia Bhatt also be part of the movie?
Rumors hint at Kapoor’s debut alongside Alia Bhatt and Sharvari Wagh in Shiv Rawail’s upcoming directorial venture. Additionally, there are whispers of a cameo appearance in “War 2,” helmed by Ayan Mukherjee. With Yash Raj Films sealing a significant deal with Kapoor, his potential inclusion in multiple films within the Spy Universe is highly anticipated. Media reports also suggest Kapoor’s substantial fee for this multi-film association, sparking excitement among his fans eager to witness his performance in the YRF Spy Universe at the earliest opportunity.
Meanwhile, Yash Raj Films appears to have ambitious projects lined up for the future. Their slate includes sequels like “Pathaan 2” and “War 2,” featuring Shah Rukh Khan and Hrithik Roshan. Following this, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan are set to clash in “Tiger Vs Pathaan.” Additionally, Alia Bhatt’s action-thriller is currently in the pre-production stages.
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