Vivo has confirmed that the Vivo T3x 5G smartphone will retail for less than Rs 15,000 on its Amazon listing page. The pricing range for the Vivo T3x has been disclosed on its Amazon listing page, which also verifies that its 4nm Snapdragon CPU will power it.
Vivo T3x 5G specifications and its launch date (expected)
The price of the Vivo T3x 5G in India has been hinted at before the device is formally released there. The company has been leaking important information regarding the next phone, even though the debut date is still unknown.
The inclusion of a 4nm Snapdragon chipset in the Vivo T3x 5G is also verified. The brand has revealed the AnTuTu score, which indicates a 4nm Snapdragon processor, however the chipset’s identity will be announced on April 12.
With a score of 560,000 on AnTuTu, this specific chipset outperforms the MediaTek Dimensity 6080 and Dimensity 6100+. This would indicate that the Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset powers the Vivo T3x 5G.
A “Turbo” battery has also been hinted at by Vivo; however, more information will be disclosed on April 15. With a 6,000mAh battery, it is predicted to last for two days on a single charge. The smartphone is said to have two stereo speakers that can handle an audio booster, enabling a 300 percent loudness increase.
The smartphone’s Amazon teaser shows off a sleek, glittering dark red display and a dual-camera arrangement on the rear. It is also anticipated that the phone will be thin. We could expect to learn more about the Vivo T3x 5G shortly as Vivo plans to gradually reveal more information about the gadget.