Lenovo has recently upgraded its ThinkPad and ThinkBook series to include Intel’s latest 11th gen Tiger Lake processors. Rumours have been making rounds that Lenovo plans on upgrading its Yoga series with the latest 11th gen SoCs, with leaker WhiteCat providing us with the first look of Lenovo’s next Yoga Carbon laptop, in a product leak video a few months back.
Now however the same leaker WalkingCat has suggested that the rumoured device is actually the new Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Carbon.
The laptop will sport a 13.3-inch QHD screen. Coming with 100% of sRGB coverage, the laptop has a peak brightness of 300 nits. Not to mention, the new Yoga Slim 7i will have a 16:10 display ratio. The company will offer the device with up to 16 GB of LPDDR4X RAM. The notebook will have a 1 TB M.2 PCIe SSD.
The Lenovo Yoga Slim 7i Carbon will be powered by Intel’s latest 11th generation i& processors.
The processor’s line-up for the new device includes Core i7-1165G7 or preferably Core i7-1185G7. Rumours even suggest that the laptop will have at least one variant with the 11th generation i5 processor.
The Yoga Slim 7i Carbon will have a 50 Wh battery offering a 65 W charge. The notebook will sport only Type-C ports, which is a first from Lenovo. The charge port provided in the notebook also seems to be a Type-C. Two of the Type-C ports offered in the device supports the new Thunderbolt 4 standard. The company has also provided a 3.5 mm headphone jack.
The device does not offer an integrated fingerprint scanner. But the leaker suggests that the Yoga Slim 7i Carbon will sport an IR camera to support Windows Hello. The notebook will reportedly weigh less than 1kg.
The availability and pricing of the Yoga Slim 7i Carbon have not been provided as of now. However, the device is expected to be available for the first quarter of 2021.
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