On the 29th of February, the Karnataka state government signed an agreement with the World Economic Forum (WEF) to set up an intelligence (AI) center in Karnataka. A statement released by the office of Karnataka’s IT BT minister Priyank Kharge stated that this center would serve as WEF’s hub dedicated to AI activities in India.
More About the Karnataka Signing LOI for AI Center
“The center in Karnataka will be integrated into WEF’s Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) Network, a platform that focuses on inclusive technology governance and responsible digital transformation” the statement clarified.
Highlighting its objectives the statement emphasized, “The main goal of this center is to position Karnataka as a hub for Artificial Intelligence. It is set to play a role in nurturing industry academia collaborations facilitating the exchange of insights promoting research partnerships and addressing worldwide challenges. By establishing links with centers around the world the Karnataka Center aims to contribute to international discussions on ethical and practical aspects of AI.”
Moreover, it further explained that “Within its vision, the center seeks to offer assistance and advice to AI startups based in the state. By providing a platform that connects people worldwide it opens up chances for startups, in the AI industry to collaborate and network.
Kharge highlighted that the local government sees AI as an enabler for boosting the economy attracting investments and creating job prospects. He mentioned, “Bengaluru has been acknowledged as one of the five cities for Artificial Intelligence (AI). With our skilled talent pool and thriving innovation ecosystem, our state hosts numerous companies and startups dedicated to deep tech and AI. The establishment of the Center for AI presents a promising opportunity that will propel Bengaluru and Karnataka into becoming a global AI hub.”
Jeremy Jurgens, managing director of the WEF commented, “We are thrilled to collaborate with the state on the Centre for Artificial Intelligence. Bengaluru has been at the forefront of innovation, and we hope to support its leadership to demonstrate the potential of AI for economic growth and social prosperity.”