With every IPL season, Reliance Jio always brings new offers for its customers who love cricket, and this time too there’s no exception as they are bringing new Jio Cricket Plans specially for IPL 2020. This will give you the benefit of data, voice & text benefits along with the much needed Disney+ Hotstar VIP membership to watch IPL.
Jio has launched multiple plans which are both affordable and featured packed. You can opt for prepaid plans ranging from 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, and 1-year validity. If you need extra data add-ons, Jio has got you covered as well with special ones for this cricket season.
So, here are the plans announced by Jio which come bundled with data, voice, and 1 year Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription worth Rs. 399. Cricket fans availing these plans can watch free live Dream11 IPL matches through Disney+ Hotstar app:
- Rs 401 Plan: Plan benefits include 3 GB data/day, unlimited voice, and 1 year Disney+
Hotstar VIP subscription. The plan has a validity of 28 days - Rs 598 Plan: Provides 2 GB data/day with unlimited voice and 1 year Disney+ Hotstar
VIP subscription. Rs 598 plan has a validity of 56 days - Rs 777 Plan: Provides 1.5 GB data/day with unlimited voice and 1 year Disney+
Hotstar VIP subscription. It comes with a validity of 84 days - Rs 2599 Plan: Plan benefits include 2 GB data/day with unlimited voice and 1 year
Disney+ Hotstar VIP subscription. It comes with a validity of 365 days - Rs 499 Data Add-on: Provides 1.5 GB data/day + 1 year Disney+ Hotstar VIP
subscription worth Rs 399. Rs 499 data add-on has a validity of 56 days
Planning to watch IPL on Disney+ Hotstar on Jio network? Choose from the wide range of plans to watch your favorite cricket action live.
via Jio Press Release
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