Apple is preparing for the upcoming ‘Time Flies‘ event to launch the new Apple Watch Series 6, iPad Air, and some other along with around a couple of bonus announcements. It’s confirmed that the new iPhone 12 line up will not be showcased in this September. When all Apple fans are looking at the ‘Time Flies’, the famous tipster @komiyaappleseed disclosed the pricing of the iPhones till September 2021. In addition to that, there is some more info regarding iPhone 11.
Handset continuation details
On 2nd September, Komiya informed us that the iPhone XR will be discontinued within the next six months, mainly after the announcement of the iPhone 12s. Today, he again Tweets that before the iPhone XR, Apple will stop production of the iPhone 11 too. That means, from the last quarter of 2020 to the 1st quarter of 2021, iPhone SE, iPhone XR, iPhone 12, and iPhone 12 Pro will be there in the market. After that, the iPhone 12s will take the place of the iPhone XR.
Pricing Details –
Komiya further shared all the pricing details of the iPhones till September 2021. As per him, the pricing of the iPhone SE will start from $399, iPhone 12 $699, and iPhone 12 Pro will be $999. The surprising thing is the base variants of iPhone XR and the undisclosed iPhone 12s will cost the same i.e. around $599.
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