Apple has just revealed its ‘Scary Fast’ event set for October 30. During this event, the company is anticipated to unveil its new M3 series of chips, promising improved computational and graphical performance. Apple will likely introduce upgraded versions of the MacBook Air and potentially the highly anticipated 24-inch iMac featuring M3 chips. However, it’s worth noting that while Apple will announce the new M3 Macs on the 30th, the actual launch may occur on November 8.
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According to the reports, the company is planning to launch the new MacBook Air and 24-inch iMac on November 8, following their announcement on October 30. Pre-orders are expected to begin shortly after the event, and the devices will become available on November 8. To secure your Mac as early as November 8, it’s advisable to place a pre-order promptly.
Regarding the specific upgrades, the tech giant may enhance both the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air models with the latest M3 chip. There’s also a chance that only the 13-inch MacBook Air will receive the upgrade, as the 15-inch model was introduced a few months ago. However, considering Apple’s declining Mac shipments, there’s a strong possibility that the 15-inch models will also be updated with the M3 chip.
The event is expected to feature the new 24-inch iMac, retaining a similar design to the current version and powered by the M3 chip. There might be improvements to the stand’s internals, offering more flexibility in adjusting the screen’s angle. Apple might also introduce new color options.
Lastly, while there have been expectations for a redesigned 13-inch MacBook Pro with upgraded internals, it’s uncertain whether the company will unveil it at the ‘Scary Fast’ event. The 13-inch MacBook Pro is the sole MacBook with a Touch Bar, and there’s speculation that Apple could replace it with a notch. Additionally, the MacBook Pro’s bezels could be slimmed down. Although there have been reports that the tech giant won’t upgrade the 13-inch MacBook Pro at this event, surprises from Apple are always a possibility.