In a groundbreaking announcement, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi confirmed India’s ambition to host the 2036 Olympics. The declaration came during the inauguration of the 141st International Olympic Committee Session in Mumbai on Saturday, October 14. With a promise to leave no stone unturned, India is setting its sights on achieving this monumental dream for its 140 crore (1.4 billion) citizens.
Let’s have a look into more details: PM Modi Confirms Bid for Hosting 2036 Olympics
The IOC Session’s return to India after a 40-year hiatus marked an exceptional moment for the country. The last time India hosted this prestigious event was in 1983 in New Delhi. Prime Minister Modi’s announcement, made on this grand stage, echoes the nation’s strong desire to bring the Olympics back to its shores.
India’s ambitions extend beyond the 2036 Olympics, as PM Modi revealed the country’s willingness to host the Youth Olympics in 2029. This is a clear indication of India’s commitment to the Olympic movement and its dedication to creating a thriving environment for young athletes.
Another remarkable development that took place during the IOC Session was the inclusion of cricket in the 2028 Olympics, scheduled to be held in Los Angeles. The presence of India’s most beloved sport, cricket, in the Olympics is a “win-win” situation for all parties, as highlighted by IOC President Thomas Bach. The Indian cricket fans, who have longed for this day, can now look forward to seeing their favorite sport on the grandest of international stages.
Prime Minister Modi’s resolute commitment to securing the 2036 Olympics received strong backing from the International Olympic Committee. IOC President Thomas Bach commended India’s rich history, vibrant present, and its unwavering confidence in the future. He also lauded India’s athletes for their outstanding performance at the Asian Games, a true source of pride for the nation.
PM Modi Confirms Bid for Hosting 2036 Olympics
In his address, Prime Minister Modi reiterated the deep-seated aspiration of 140 crore Indians to host the Olympics. He emphasized that fulfilling this dream would require the collaboration and support of the IOC and the global community. This is an important confirmation that India is bidding to host the 2036 Olympics, and it reflects the nation’s readiness to take on the challenge of organizing this prestigious event.
The 141st International Olympic Committee Session, held at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre in Mumbai, marks a significant moment for India’s relationship with the Olympic movement. India is hosting this event for the second time after four decades, showcasing its growing influence in the world of sports.
The upcoming days of the IOC Session will witness crucial discussions that will shape the future of Olympic games. India’s bid for the 2036 Olympics has received considerable encouragement from the IOC and promises a brighter future for the Olympic movement in the country.
PM Modi Confirms Bid for Hosting 2036 Olympics
As the preparations for the 2036 Olympics begin to take shape, India’s resounding message to the world is clear: “We’re eager, we’re ready, and we’re determined to host the Olympics in 2036.” With the support of the IOC and the unwavering spirit of its people, India is poised to embark on an extraordinary journey towards making this dream a reality.
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