Recently, OnePlus tweeted on its Indian account, “A true OnePlus experience awaits.” Opening up shortly. The image with the caption gives a sneak peek at how the foldable will look like a book, similar to the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold5. In contrast, early mockups of the OnePlus foldable seem to be smaller.
OnePlus Open launch date and specifications
Geekbench details
As per its Geekbench reports, it is expected to launch with a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC with 16GB of RAM and 256GB of storage.
There are also similarities between the OnePlus Open and the OPPO Find N3. The former will make its debut in India and other countries, while the Find N3 is likely to exclusively be available in China.
Though the business has yet to formally acknowledge it, the OnePlus Open is expected to arrive on October 19th in India.
A huge circular camera module and a design that is consistent with past images were shown when the foldable smartphone was recently spotted with Indian actress Anushka Sharma.
In terms of specs, the OnePlus Open is most likely to include a 7.8-inch internal 2K display with a refresh rate of 120Hz. There might possibly be a 4,800mAh battery with a 67W rapid charging capability.