Some fortunate beta testers of WhatsApp received an unexpected surprise this week: the company seems to be experimenting with an iOS app version that is optimized for use on the iPad. This development was initially identified by WABetaInfo, which noticed that WhatsApp’s TestFlight app, version, now includes this new iPad-compatible application.
The Upcoming WhatsApp for iPad
Based on available screenshots, the iPad app functions as one would anticipate. To connect to it, users simply scan a QR code, similar to the process of linking their account to any other device. Once connected, they’ll see a list of their conversations on the left and their current chat on the right. Essentially, it mirrors the iOS app but takes advantage of the larger iPad screen to display both panes simultaneously. This addition prompts the question of why it took so long, especially when WhatsApp’s head, Will Cathcart, expressed interest in such development as far back as January 2022.
Notably, Meta has not been particularly keen on creating dedicated iPad apps. Not only is there no iPad app for Instagram or Threads, but even the Facebook app merely offers a scaled-up version of the iPhone app, resulting in a subpar user experience. Among Meta’s apps, Messenger is one of the few that offers a somewhat decent iPad experience. However, as WhatsApp becomes more integrated into Meta’s social network, specifically in terms of promoting businesses to use WhatsApp for listing and customer interactions, it makes sense to make the app available to iPad users.
Recent updates have significantly enhanced the WhatsApp experience. The Mac software has been improved for group calling and now supports HD images and videos. Channels have been gradually rolling out to users worldwide. Meta has been working hard to make WhatsApp better and easier to use on different platforms. They’re trying to make WhatsApp work on many types of devices to follow the rules in Europe. This shows how important it is to have WhatsApp on all kinds of platforms.
WhatsApp is a very popular app, and even though it might not be a secret weapon, it’s a valuable service that Meta offers. Meta wants to make WhatsApp a private social network where people can connect based on what they like.