The latest mid-range Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 chipset from Qualcomm has just released. And no, you didn’t miss them; neither the Snapdragon 7+ Gen 1 nor the Snapdragon 7 Gen 2 were there. Only a small number of smartphones included the first Snapdragon 7 Gen 1, but hopefully this time around, more will.
The Qualcomm Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 chip is made using a 4-nanometer technology and contains four production cores that operate at 2.4 GHz and four energy-saving cores that operate at 1.95 GHz. It utilizes the Adreno 710 graphic processing unit.
Snapdragon 7s Gen 2 specifications
- 4nm CPU 4 × 2.4GHz Cortex A78 4 × 1.95GHz Cortex A55 GPU
- Adreno 710
- LPDDR5 RAM – UFS 4.0 storage type
- NavIC – Quick charge 4+ technology
- WiFi 6E – Bluetooth 5.2
- Display FHD+ 144Hz refresh rate
- Camera 200MP – Video 4K at 30fps
- USB 3.1 port
- Snapdragon X62 5G modem
- Fast connect 6700
UFS 4.0 drives, cameras with a resolution of up to 200 MP, 3200 MHz LPDDR5 RAM, and displays with a refresh rate of 144 Hz are all supported by the processor. The inbuilt Snapdragon X62 5G modem allows for data transmission rates of up to 2.9 Gb/s via mobile networks.