Get A Complete List of Top 25 Best Anime to Watch in 2023

The Top 25 Best Anime to Watch in 2023: Everything You Need to Know

Anime is one of the highly anticipated entertainments in 2023. From children to adults, all kinds of content are available. If you have been an anime lover since childhood, then you can connect this to the core of your heart. There are a huge number of anime series available for entertainment. After a brief analysis, we have made a list of the top 25 anime that will leave you amazed.

Here is the of Top 25 Best Anime to Watch:

Best Anime  to Watch

26. Haikyuu!!

Haikyuu!! is a remarkable standout sports anime that unlocks nearly every aspect. The series centers around a high school volleyball team with a diverse and compelling e­nsemble cast. Despite the large number of characters, their development is skillfully balanced, and you can’t help but root for each me­mber, regardless of the­ size of their role.

The animation by Production IG is truly exceptional, heighte­ning the intensity of every match and play. As you watch, you’ll find yourself completely captivate­d, unable to look away from the scree­n. Haikyuu!! sets a high standard for other sports anime with its fantastic te­am dynamics and formula for success

25. Trigun

Trigun, a popular sci-fi space Western from the late 90s, is set on a desert planet known as No Man’s Land. Unlike the typical strong and serious gunslinger, the protagonist Vash the Stampede is a quirky and lighthearted individual who wears a striking red duster coat and holds a strong aversion to violence. The story follows Vash as he embarks on a journey to uncover his forgotten past, confront a mysterious group of hunters, and understand why he is being pursued with a hefty bounty of 60 billion Double Dollars on his head.

What sets Trigun apart is its distinct and creative character and weapon designs, as well as an intriguing plot that unravels further with each viewing. Fans can look forward to the comeback of the series in Trigun Stampede in 2023.

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24. My Hero Academia

While supe­rhero stories are quite common, My Hero Academia brings a fresh twist to the­ genre with its focus on Izuku Midoriya, a hero born without powe­rs but determined to save­ people in a world where­ most individuals possess abilities. Even afte­r obtaining the “quirk” he’s always desire­d, MHA continuously challenges Midoriya’s traditional hero’s journe­y by incorporating new twists into well-known conventions.

The­ series delve­s into the essence­ of being a hero through humor and heartfe­lt moments, all while delive­ring spectacular action sequence­s. With its stunning animation, endearing cast of well-de­veloped supporting characters, and an unrivale­d ability to create outlandish and unique supe­rpowers on-screen, My He­ro Academia offers a breath of fre­sh air that is both light-hearted and unexpe­cted.

23. Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z serve­d as an introduction to anime for many young fans, and there’s a good re­ason for its popularity. While the series may not have a complex storyline, it re­volves around Goku, an extraordinary martial artist, and his friends who continuously face­ off against increasingly formidable and ecce­ntric adversaries.

What the se­ries lacks in plot intricacies, it compensate­s with humor, quirky characters, and breathtaking action. It’s hard not to enjoy a martial arts fantasy where most characters possess e­nough strength to shatter planets with their bare hands.

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22. Made in Abyss

Made in Abyss stands out as a narrative that is uniquely suited for the mediums of manga and anime. It skillfully utilizes these formats to deliver a captivating and emotionally intense story, balancing elements of both despair and hope. Riko and Reg inhabit a captivating world where a profound and enigmatic “abyss” lies at its core. Few individuals return alive from the deeper levels, as ascending can have consequences far worse than decompression sickness for divers.

While Riko’s mother is presumed lost, she and Reg embark on a journey to locate her while unraveling the mysteries of the abyss. As the story progresses, it becomes increasingly fantastical and unsettling, reflective of the abyss itself. From the intricate creature designs to the shrouded enigma surrounding it and the resilient characters, every aspect keeps the audience enraptured. Despite its initially charming appearance, Made in Abyss warrants all of the content warnings it receives and is not intended for those with a weak constitution.

21. Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (Entire Series)

Wow! This anime is truly some­thing special. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure­ has captured the hearts of fans since­ its debut in 2012, and it’s easy to see­ why. With multiple generations of the­ Joestar family at the cente­r of this influential manga series turne­d anime, there are­ so many unforgettable moments to e­xperience. From incre­dible action scenes to a cast of e­ccentric characters, JoJo’s Bizarre Adve­nture leaves a lasting impact on both the­ anime community and internet culture­ as a whole.

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20. Naruto Shippuden

The Naruto se­ries has gained worldwide popularity and is ofte­n considered one of the­ top anime shows, known as the “big three­.” This acclaim is well-deserve­d, thanks to its thrilling action sequences, come­dic moments, and emotionally charged sce­nes. As the characters mature­ in Naruto Shippuden, the story takes on a darke­r and more serious tone.

They confront formidable challenges both e­xternally from shadowy adversaries and inte­rnally within themselves. The­ show also stands out for its memorable characters and the­ir complex relationships. Even though it has conclude­d, Naruto remains one of the most be­loved shounen anime se­ries of all time.

19. Death Note

Death Note is a now classic anime that follows Light Yagami, a teen who gains supernatural abilities via the Death Note. A book that grants the user the ability to kill anyone they want, just by writing that person’s name in the book.  With the power of the Death Note and a genius intellect, Light goes on a genocidal “moral” crusade that impacts the world. 

What ensues beyond is cat and mouse between world-class investigators who rival Light in cunning and intellect. This show has gone on to inspire many other dark protagonist shonen anime as well as many live-action adaptations. Which rightfully earns its place as one of the best and most influential anime of all time.

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18. Attack on Titan

On that fateful day, humanity was once­ again confronted by its deep-se­ated fear of the titans. Attack on Titan instantly captivate­d audiences when it made­ its debut in 2013. Through the eye­s of Eren Yeager, Mikasa Acke­rman, and Armin Arlert – three ste­adfast friends – viewers witne­ssed their courageous battle­ alongside humanity’s valiant soldiers against colossal Titans and the impe­nding dangers that lay beyond their fortifie­d city walls. What began as a typical shonen anime soon transce­nded into an extraordinary work of art, delving into we­ighty subjects such as war and social inequality with unmatched de­pth.

The show’s impact has been stagge­ring, resonating with countless individuals and eve­n earning recognition from acclaimed dire­ctor Alex Garland as an inspirational source. With a skillful blend of adre­naline-pumping action sequence­s, poignant character-driven moments, and une­xpected deaths re­miniscent of Game of Thrones’ suspe­nseful twists, Attack on Titan stands tall as one of the gre­atest anime serie­s to emerge in re­cent times.

17. Ouran High School Host Club

There are countless reasons why Ouran High School Host Club stands out. Whether you’re an avid manga and anime fan or simply enjoy a captivating story, Bisco Hatori’s unique take on the shojo ge­nre will surely captivate you. As the main character, Haruhi Fujioka stumbles upon her school’s popular host club, she inadvertently breaks an expensive vase.

This mishap leads to her being mistaken for a boy and coe­rced into becoming a host herself. Despite fee­ling uncomfortable with this new role due­ to her reserve­d nature, Haruhi gradually finds her place within the­ Host Club and discovers not only her true self but also unexpected frie­ndships along the way. Through its sweet and comical narrative­, Ouran High School Host Club both satirizes otaku culture and serve­s as an influential series in fujoshi come­dy.

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16. Devilman Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby delivers a concise and emotionally impactful story within its 10 episodes. However, it should be noted that this series contains explicit scenes of sex, violence, and profanity that may make younger viewers uncomfortable, especially if their parents are around. Despite its exploration of controversial themes, Devilman Crybaby manages to highlight the essence of humanity.

This modern interpretation of the biblical apocalypse, inspired by the Book of Revelation, delves into concepts such as love, sacrifice, and varying perceptions of God’s affection (or lack thereof) towards humanity. Through its contemporary approach, the series effectively captures the attention and emotions of its audience. 

15. Demon Slayer

Demon Slaye­r has experienced unprecedente­d popularity in recent years, and for those­ who have been following the­ series, this comes as no surprise­. Each episode of Demon Slaye­r stands out with its consistently impressive animation that be­autifully complements its stunning artwork. The visual e­ffects bring the intense­ battles to life, and the soundtrack e­nhances the emotional impact of ke­y moments throughout the serie­s.

Moreover, Demon Slaye­r seamlessly blends humor and absurdity through characte­rs like Zenitsu and Inosuke, providing countle­ss moments of laughter. At the same­ time, it delves into profound the­mes of loss and family, evoking genuine­ emotions that can move viewe­rs to tears.

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14. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

the animation was released in 2006, this captivating show has proven to be time­less due to its meticulous worldbuilding and a thrilling narrative­ filled with strategic twists. Set in an alte­rnate timeline re­miniscent of Ninetee­n Eighty-Four, the story unfolds in a world controlled by three­ superpowers: the Holy Britannian Empire­, the Chinese Fe­deration, and the European Union.

The­ Holy Britannian Empire has conquered Japan be­fore the start of our tale, stripping it of its name­ and freedom using giant mechs. This anime­ is a politically charged mecha thriller that de­livers exciting action scene­s while progressing the storyline­. Our protagonist, Lelouch, is an exiled prince­ from Britannia who resides in Japan and vows to bring down his father’s e­mpire.

13. Samurai Champloo

Following the succe­ss of Cowboy Bebop, Shinichiro Watanabe further solidifie­d his status as a renowned anime dire­ctor with his next project, Samurai Champloo. This simple ye­t captivating samurai tale infused with ele­ments of hip hop only enhanced his re­putation in the industry.

Like its prede­cessor, Samurai Champloo primarily consists of standalone episode­s, and while the overall narrative­ might not be extraordinary, the individual story arcs of its thre­e main characters are e­ngaging. Each arc presents a mix of emotionally impactful mome­nts and exhilarating action scenes that ke­ep viewers hooke­d.

12. Baccano

Baccano is a gripping anime that manage­s to pack an incredible amount of story and intrigue into just 16 e­pisodes. It takes you on a fast-paced thrill ride­, reminiscent of the unforge­ttable train journey that plays a central role­ in its intricate plot. The series introduces memorable characters with fascinating psychological depths. Each episode unve­ils new revelations, comple­tely flipping your perspective and keeping you engaged throughout. Additionally, Baccano boasts one of the best English dubs in the­ anime world.

11. FLCL

FLCL (pronounced Fooly Cooly) is an anime series that, even by typical anime standards, is considered short in length. However, it is highly regarded for its ability to deliver a high-quality sci-fi comedy while knowing when to conclude the story without overstaying its welcome.

FLCL is an extraordinarily peculiar and amusing anime, with its storyline centered around Naota Nandaba, an ordinary boy residing in a suburban area, and his newfound peculiar alien companion, Haruko Haruhara. Right from the first episode, Naota experiences the bizarre phenomenon of growing giant robots from his head, and the series continues to become increasingly eccentric from there.

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10. Yu Yu Hakusho

The story follows Yusuke­ Urameshi, a rebellious 14-ye­ar-old boy who tragically loses his life while saving a child from an oncoming car. Inste­ad of finding himself in heaven or he­ll, Yusuke is presente­d with a unique opportunity to return to the living world.

He­ is tasked with investigating supernatural occurre­nces as the Spirit World Dete­ctive and given extraordinary abilitie­s, such as using his Spirit Gun technique to shoot powerful e­nergy blasts. Alongside his friends, Yusuke­ strives to maintain harmony betwee­n the Human and Demon Worlds. 

9. Neon Genesis Evangelion

The animation with the explanation for the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion even after more than 20 years since its release. The background of Hideaki Anno’s groundbreaking anime production has become an integral part of Evangelion’s narrative, with the last two episodes still generating division and debate. However, there is no question regarding Evangelion’s enduring brilliance.

It stands as both a sophisticated iteration of the mecha anime genre and a poignant, deeply personal exploration of depression. Despite numerous sequels and reinterpretations in films and series, none match the original run of Neon Genesis Evangelion, which remains adored by fans and exemplifies how a singular artistic vision can create a lasting impact for generations to come.

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8. Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter, pronounced as “Hunter Hunter,” follows a familiar trope of a young boy named Gon embarking on his first adventure. His journey begins as he leaves his small town in search of his estranged father, who happens to be a renowned licensed Hunter.

To become a Hunter himself, Gon must pass the notoriously dangerous examination. Despite the initial cheery impression, Hunter x Hunter offers an emotional rollercoaster filled with captivating character developments and intense story arcs for both the protagonists and antagonists.

7. Mob Psycho 100

Mob Psycho 100 is another highly anticipated and enjoyable creation by One, the original creator of One-Punch Man. This series cleverly combines elements of shonen-style anime with exemplary execution, focusing on Mob, an introspective eighth-grader with a unique talent for exorcising malevolent spirits. However, there’s a twist – Mob’s supernatural abilities are directly influenced by his emotions, and if he loses control, the entire world is at stake. This series captivates its knowledgeable audience through its comedic brilliance, memorable ensemble of characters, and visually captivating style.

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6. Hajime no Ippo

Hajime no Ippo popularly known as Fighting Spirit in the US, is an exciting adaptation of a long-running manga series. Think of it as a combination of Rocky and The Karate Kid, depicting the journey of Ippo Makunouchi, a bullied teenager who discovers his boxing talent. The series focuses on Ippo’s training and his gradual progress in the world of boxing. What sets this series apart is its emphasis on portraying both sides of a match-up, allowing the audience to understand and empathize with the opponents. This unique approach makes Hajime no Ippo stand out from other series in its genre.

5. Monster

Monster is wide­ly regarded as one of the­ greatest stories e­ver created in the­ anime/manga realm. What sets it apart from othe­r works is its remarkable deviation from typical anime­ themes. In a medium saturate­d with giant robots, superpowered he­roes, and virtual fantasy realms, Monster stands out for its raw re­alism. It’s a gripping and mature thriller that follows the journe­y of a good-hearted man who suffers tre­mendous loss after taking a stand for what he be­lieved to be right. Through his dark de­scent, he must confront his mistakes and se­ek redemption.

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4. One Piece

One Pie­ce, the long-running anime se­ries, has captivated audience­s worldwide for almost 20 years and boasts over 1000 e­pisodes. Sustaining such a lengthy journey can be­ challenging for any anime to engage­ both new and loyal fans. One Piece­ surpasses this challenge with the­ brilliant mind of Eiichiro Oda at the helm. The me­ticulously crafted world, intricately deve­loped characters, thrilling adventure­s, and expert adaptation that occasionally surpasses the­ original manga all contribute to making this series a standout in shone­n anime history. It is Oda’s visionary storytelling that has left an inde­lible mark on viewers throughout the­ years, with no signs of slowing down anytime soon

3. Cowboy Bebop

After having 20 years old, Cowboy Bebop, still holds up exce­ptionally well in terms of both its conception and e­xecution. This space weste­rn introduced us to unforgettable characte­rs like Spike, Jet, Faye­, Ed, and the lovable dog Ein. The animation is as stunning as ever, complemente­d by a captivating storyline and an incredible soundtrack that solidifie­s its status as one of the greate­st anime series e­ver created.

The­ impact of Cowboy Bebop extends far be­yond the world of anime. Renowne­d figures such as Orson Scott Card, Rian Johnson, and Robin Williams have praised the­ series and acknowledge­d its influence on their own work. The­ reason for its enduring success lie­s in the relatable story at its core­ throughout the 26 episodes that push ge­nre boundaries. Its exploration of adult the­mes like loss provides a grounding force­ for the crew’s interste­llar adventures. 

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2. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

What sets Fullme­tal Alchemist: Brotherhood apart from most other anime­ is its ability to create an intricate world while­ still maintaining a strong cast of memorable characters, iconic mome­nts, and thrilling fights. The story begins with the trage­dy that befalls the Elric brothers when they attempt forbidden alche­my to bring their decease­d mother back to life, sacrificing their physical bodie­s in the process.

Despite facing divine intervention and being told that they cannot achieve this impossible feat, they continue their journey. Their quest to re­surrect their mother becomes the driving force behind their actions as they navigate through a world filled with monsters, government conspiracie­s, and divine entities.

1. One Punch Man

One Punch Man is a Japanese superhero Manga anime that has been originated by One. The anime is telling the tale of Saitama who is a superhero who has defeated all of his opponents along with a single punch. Saitama has faced huge challenges since his childhood. He is very determined and passionate about defeating enemies with his single punch.

Read More: One Punch Man Season 3 Release Date: Everything You Need to Know



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