Today Realme India has revealed that they are going to launch a new audio device – Realme Buds Classic tomorrow on August 18 alongside Realme C15 and Realme C12. The Realme Buds Classic have a different design than the previous Realme Buds. It has the old rounded earpiece like Apple earphones used to have. This is the basic version of the Realme buds and might be priced less than the Realme Buds.
The Realme Buds Basic will have two different colour options – Black and White. These earphones will not include the volume up and down buttons like the Realme Buds. This will only have one button that is multifunctional. This one button can receive calls, end calls, play or pause music and even can play next and previous music with the help of different tap combinations.
According to Sudhanshu, the Realme Buds Basic will have a 14.2mm large driver, with rich bass experience. It will come with an in-line microphone and a built-in cable organizer. It is still unclear what will be the price range of the Realme Buds Basic.
We know that Realme will also launch the Realme C12 and Realme C15 smartphones in the event starting from 12:30 PM. The phones are a new addition to the Realme C series and as promised by Madhav Seth, Realme India CEO, the phones will be priced within Rs.10,000 price range.
We know that, Realme C15 is launched in Indonesia at IDR 1,999,000 ($137) for the 3GB + 64GB variant and with discount the price cuts down to IDR 1,899,000 ($130), while the 4GB + 64GB variant is priced at IDR 2,199,000 ($150). Whereas, Realme C12 was recently launched in Indonesia and the phone is priced at IDR 1,899,000 ($128) for the sole 3GB + 32GB variant through a limited flash sale gets the price down to IDR 1,749,000 ($117) on the day of its first sale on August 16.