Apple has a busy few months ahead of it with the release of its new iPhone 15 series and Apple Watch Series 9. In addition, the company revealed that its Vision Pro headset will be available to everyone beginning next year. While the firm says it will be released early this year, we believe it will be released during Apple’s Spring event. Other goods slated to be released in the first half of next year include new iPad Pro versions with an OLED display and 2024 MacBook Pro variants with M3 Pro and M3 Max CPUs with improved performance.
According to the most recent reports, Apple’s M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pro models will be available in 2024.
According to Gurman, Apple may introduce the new M3 Pro and M3 Max MacBook Pro versions after the Vision Pro. This is because the Vision Pro contains an M2 chip, which is less powerful than the M3 chip. Furthermore, buyers will be disappointed because the headgear costs $3,499, while the base M3 MacBook Air costs $1,299. The company will now release the Vision Pro before announcing the new M3 MacBooks.
We do not anticipate any significant architectural differences between the 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro versions. The design of the larger MacBook Pro models was changed in 2021, and it is still too early to expect a major makeover. However, the corporation may give variations in port selection, but details are limited on the subject, and Apple has the last say.
The new M3 Pro and M3 Max CPUs will surprise us in terms of performance. The M3 Pro and M3 Max CPUs will be manufactured using TSMC’s 3nm process, which will provide improved computational and graphics capabilities. In addition, the chip will be highly power efficient, which means it will need less battery life.
The M3 Pro will power the 14-inch MacBook Pro, while the M3 Max will be available in 14- and 16-inch configurations. However, the most powerful version of the chip will be available exclusively on the larger version. Gurman revealed that the 14-inch MacBook Air will be model J514 and the 16-inch version would be model J516. In terms of performance, we anticipate huge gains on the machines, thanks to superior 3nm production.
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