The Taiwanese giant will be launching its next-gen Intel processors-powered ZenBook and Vivobook laptops in India on April 20th. ASUS India has been dominating the laptop market for quite a while and bringing new hardware-powered laptops makes real sense.
Thincredible – ASUS India boasts next-gen 13th Gen powered Sleek laptops
In the teasers, ASUS boasted the incredibly thin form factor these laptops will have with up to 1cm of thinness and could be light up to 1 kg.
This makes sense as ASUS’s new ZenBook series is incredibly thin & light and their premium notebook range comes with Intel EVO certification for the best experience.
ASUS India also promises packaging of these laptops to be done with sustainable materials, a push or say initiative taken by many laptop makers to reduce carbon footprint.
Yes, ASUS means OLED and its latest ZenBooks or Vivobook laptops will feature OLED displays, becoming more of a standard in 2023. They also promise better color accuracy and an intelligent display panel for an incredible visual experience.
ASUS has also confirmed all these new laptops will be powered by the latest 13th Gen Intel Core processors for the best experience and performance. The event will be an online event held on the 20th of April at 9:30 PM in India and after that, you will have a broader idea of which laptops will be coming at what price points.
Don’t worry, we will bring you all the updates here and we will bring a review of one of these laptops as well! 😉