The deadline to link PAN with Aadhaar cards was extended to March 31, 2023. However, it has now been further extended to June 30, 2023. A penalty of Rs 1,000 has been imposed on individuals who link their PAN and Aadhaar after the June 30, 2022 deadline. Now if you want to do a PAN-Aadhar link then you have to visit any branch of Allahabad bank, or the Government Office.
If you fail to link your PAN and Aadhaar before June 30, 2023, there could be some repercussions. These may include not being able to receive income tax refunds, facing higher deductions for TDS and TCS, and potentially incurring other penalties. It’s important to note that if the PAN card is not linked, it will become inactive, preventing individuals from carrying out transactions in NSE or BSE.
Moreover, the pan and Aadhaar cards linkage is mandatory for individuals to ensure the processing of their tax returns by the Income Tax Department. Failure to link these documents before the deadline will result in non-compliance with regulations implemented by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Income Tax Department (I-T Dept).
Table of Contents
PAN AADHAAR link status check:
The official website for the PAN AADHAAR link is of the Income tax department. Please visit their website and click on the quick links as you wish to do.
PAN AADHAAR link online: 2 easy and simple steps
Go to the The official PAN AADHAAR link website. Click on the Link Aadhaar from the Quick Links section. Enter your PAN and AADHAAR details and click on validate.
Here are two steps to link PAN with AADHAAR cards:
Step 1: Pay the applicable fee using the “e-Pay Tax” service on the e-Filing Portal. If your bank account is not authorized for payment through e-Pay Tax, then make the payment through the Protean (NSDL E-Governance) Portal under the major head (021) and minor head (500).
Step 2: Submit the Aadhaar PAN link request on the e-Filing Portal immediately if payment is made through the e-Pay Tax service or after 4-5 working days of making the payment if payment is done on the Protean (NSDL E-Governance) Portal.
For more detailed steps, please visit the official website.
What was the deadline for linking PAN with Aadhaar?
The deadline to link PAN with Aadhaar was June 30th, 2023.
Can I still link my PAN with Aadhaar now (after June 30, 2023)?
Yes, you can still link your PAN with Aadhaar even though the deadline has passed. However, there will be a penalty.
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