Mi India is ready to launch another smart home gadget in this month. The twitter handle of Mi India has shared a teaser video where it has given a glimpse of the new gadget. From the whole video, we have seen all the parts of the new gadget and at the end of the video, the digital display which turned on indicates psi levels.
Judging by the video, we can conclude that Xiaomi is bringing the Mi Portable Electric Air Compressor to India. The company is going to launch this smart home gadget on July 14. The Mi Portable Electric Air Compressor is essentially a tire inflator air pump from Xiaomi that is already available in markets like UK. It is listed on the Mi.com UK site for GBP 39.99 (roughly Rs.3,700).
These specifications are mentioned in the Mi UK online store. The Mi Portable Electric Air Compressor is available in UK at £39.99.