Netflix dropped the new trailer of Akkineni Nagarjuna’s coming action-drama film, ‘The Ghost‘. Following the new teaser of the upcoming film, the long wait is seeming to be getting over soon. The Makers gave unveiled a new Promo titled Tamahagane. After sharing the teaser, the actor wrote on his Twitter handle, “#TAMAHAGANE!! A legendary metal for the Katana of the fiercest of warriors through the ages. Now in the hands of #The ghost!!”
In the latest video, someone has cautioned Nagarjuna that the complete underworld is on the set for him. Nagarjuna also unveils such a huge box including the metal that has been named Tamahagane. He has forged it into the sword for a thrilling eye into the underworld. Above all the thing the slick editing and the hair-raising background has scored and Nagarjuna’s that dynamic presence has left us waiting for more. He will be seen sharing screen space with Sonal Chauhan in the flick as she can lead lady for the action entertainer. Before the movie has reached the Audience, the makers will be unveiling the trailer of the highly discussed drama on the 25th of August this year.
Nagarjuna will play the role of Vikram in the project has been bankrolled but Suniel Narang and Narayan Das Narang in Association with Sharath Marar while the lead, Gul Panag and Anika Surendran are also a part of the movie as the primary cast. Mukesh G has cranked the camera for the film, and Brahma Kadali is the art director. Dinesh Subbarayan and Karcha have directed the high-octane action sequences for the drama along with Mark K Robin has rendered the background score and songs for The Ghost.
The Ghost: Cast
The film has been directed by Praveen Sattaru, the high-actioner who unveils Nagarjuna as an Interpool officer. The movie also featured Sonal Chauhan, Gul Panag, and Anikha Surendran.
The film has been produced by Suniel Narang, Puskur Rammohan Rao, and Sharath Marar main the Ghost under Sree Venkateshwara Cinemas LLP and NorthStar Entertainment banners.
The Ghost: Release Date
The film is already streaming on Netflix you can watch it just for Rs. 199.
Here is the trailer:
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