Netflix has dropped the new trailer of ‘Monica, O My Darling’. The dark comedy film features Rajkumar Rao, Radhika Apte, Huma Quereshi, and Sikander Kher in the lead roles. The new trailer already promised such an interesting dark comedy with a vibe of Andhadhun. The new trailer does not expose much as Rajkumar Rao has caught Huma Qureshi with the insidious web to be blackmailed.
Sikander is offering him the last resort: murder. We can watch those images of a body getting jostled around. We will get such snarky humour, and Rashika Apte just arrives on the scene as a police officer for the case. There are many impeccable comic deliveries and considering Bollywood has had that dearth of decent comedies this year.
In this film, O My Darling, Rajkumar appears as a similar out-of-his-depth Average Joe who is just caught in a mess of his own making. Qureshi features in the role of Monica, a femme fatale who starts blackmailing Rao’s character, Jayant, and a bunch of them together, after the affairs with them. Jam, the men form an alliance and decide to kill her. The walls start to end in on Jayant while a policewoman named Naidu reveals, making him the prime suspect in the investigation.
Monica O My Darling gets just promised to update that around. The film is set to drop on Netflix. Bala’s third feature directorial after the unreleased Peddlers and the 2018 action-comedy Mard Ko Dard Nahi Hota. He has also helmed those short Spotlight in the Ray anthology that belongs to Netflix. Previously Rao also worked with the streaming platform on The White Tiger, while Radhika is a Netflix veteran, and also has featured their projects like Sacred Games, Ghoul, and Lust Stories.
Last year the streaming giant exposed the first look at the film with a cast announcement. Netflix also posted the images of the artists with the caption that reads, “O My darling, give us a first look! Us to the cast of Monica, O My darling before they showed us these images. @RajkumarTao @humaquureshi @radhika_apte @akansharanjn #SukantGoel #BagavathiPerumal #ZaynMarieKhan @matchboxshots @Vasan_Bala #YogeshChandekar.”
Monica, O My Darling: Release Date
Radhika Apte’s Netflix film ‘Monica, O My Darling’ will hit on11th November 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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