According to the sources, another service from Meta has started experiencing problems just a few days after the widely used messaging program WhatsApp experienced a brief outage. Instagram has received complaints from users all across the world, and some accounts have been suspended.
Users have flooded social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook with complaints that either their accounts have been suspended or they are unable to access the program. In a tweet, Instagram recognized the problem and stated that they were aware of it and trying to fix it.
Suspension of Instagram Account
The sources also claimed that Instagram has informed several users that their accounts have been suspended. The notifications read: “We suspended your account on October 31, 2022.” Users have 30 days to appeal the verdict if they disagree with it. The account has been suspended because it “doesn’t follow our community guidelines,” according to the notification.
Users who have gotten such a warning that their account has been suspended should not panic because the company has previously acknowledged that there is a problem. Users claim they have lost fans.
Furthermore, several users have also claimed to have lost a significant portion of their followers. A glance at Cristiano Ronaldo’s account shows that, despite having 493 million followers just one day prior, it appeared to have lost 3 million of those followers. More than a million fewer people were using Instagram’s main account.
Reason Behind the Outage
The precise cause of the suspension wasn’t immediately apparent, but Instagram has now issued a statement on the subject. They unintentionally suspended thousands of accounts, which resulted in a sharp decline in followers for influencers as well as normal users, including those with private profiles.
The organization recognized the problem and stated that it was aware that certain users were experiencing difficulties logging into their accounts. The leader in social media confirmed that a patch was being developed.
The company explained that it was in fact a glitch that had users and influencer accounts in a panic when the restoration was complete. The social media behemoth declared that it had fixed the problem and that users could now access their accounts normally.
Just a week prior, WhatsApp experienced its longest-ever outage in the nation, which prevented users from sending or receiving messages, photos, or videos for about two hours. Over 25,000 people were reportedly having problems nationwide, according to reports.
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