E-commerce giant Flipkart’s mobile application was on English at the beginning. Later on, they added Hindi to expand the availability to more Indian hands. Now, you can also find three more Indian Languages along with English and Hindi with the Flipkart app. Those languages are Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
The vision behind this step was to “make online commerce more inclusive and accessible.” In Flipkart’s words, they had to translate over 5.4 million words including the specifications, banners, and the payment section too. So many meetings and interactions were made to gather information and implement the language patterns.
To change your Flipkart app language, you need to go to the sidebar of the app, then select “Choose Language”. The page will display you all the available languages, and which one is presently activated. You have to just select your language.
The CEO of Flipkart Group, Kalyan Krishnamurthy said in an official statement, “As a homegrown e-commerce marketplace, we understand India and its diversity in a more nuanced way and are building products that have the potential to bring a long-term change,” He also added, “The introduction of Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada interfaces, in addition of Hindi & English, is a meaningful step in that direction in line with our mission to democratize e-commerce in India.”
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