Salman Khan and Telugu megastar Chiranjeevi’s much-awaited film ‘Godfather’. Yesterday the trailer of the film launched in the vent happened in Anantapur. After the Telugu trailer launch on Friday. Salman joined Chiranjeevi in Mumbai on Saturday to launch the Gindi trailer of the movie. The new video also exposed Nayanthara and Satya Dev’s characters who hold a right in the middle of the battle for power.
Chiranjeevi looked dapper in the navy-blue suit hen Salman Khan also kept his attire a little casual. They have been joined by Telugu actor Satyadev who plays joined by Telugu actor Satyadev who played the antagonist in the film along with the director of the film Mohan Raja.
The new trailer of Godfather which has currently got a U/A certificate hits a high point with the entry of Bollywood superstar Salman Khan also participated in Chiranjeevi’s battle, calling him his elder brother. By following the trailer, the movie becomes very high on the drama along with the action promises set at the top-notch.
We will see the ground with a standing capacity of 30k packed along with queues spilling on the road. Al the fans have waited patiently for Chiranjeevi to visit from Bengaluru.
Anantapur cop has deployed six DSPs and 500 police personnel to confirm law and the order. There are all such roads leading to the ground from the city, railway station, and bus station had been blocked and traffic diverted. The event also continued late into the night.
Godfather is mainly the Telugu remake of Mohanlal’s Malayalam film Lucifer which has marked the directorial debut of the actor Prithviraj Sukumaran. The new Telugu remake also has directed by Mohan Raja. The film contains the promotional song, “Thaar maar” has featured Chiranjeevi and Salman Khan was dropped earlier on making a lot of buzz in both the Hindi and Telugu belt.
Chiranjeevi has completed 44 years in the film industry and wrote a heartfelt note on social media for fans. He wrote, “Chiranjeevi the actor as you all know was born today, 22 September 1978, 44 years ago! I owe this limitless love and affection I receive from you all to this day!”.
Godfather: Release Date
Chiranjeevi has confirmed to hit on 10th October 2022.
Here is the trailer:
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