Amazon Prime Video has dropped the first trailer of Hush Hush, which has stood out as a most awaited show in India. As it featured a cast and a crew led by a woman. The story follows 90s Bollywood star Juhi Chawla as she is leading a stacked cast, she is playing the role of a woman who is searching to be embroiled in a grave criminal investigation along with her friends.
The brand-new trailer depicts a somber image of the show. The lives of that handful of those upper-class women set to unravel while they just become the main suspects in the police investigation that’s quite not clear what the crime actually is. The skeletons come to tumble out of the closet and the walls seem to be close in, the women find that they have no one to feel her situation to support each other.
The show is based on a group of women whose picture-perfect lives start to fall down while their picture-perfect life comes down to be undone while some unexpected things come to the fore secrets from their past, and continuously threaten everything. The story also explores the storm that has brewed behind the seemingly quiet façade of those privileged for those women.
Hush Hush is definitely one of the big entries into the growing list of streaming projects as they have enabled the comeback of those older female leads. In India, there is such the longest time women had been treated as expendable in mainstream movies. The show seems to be restricted to those thankless roles and getting replaced by those younger actors the opposite of the male stars who have s simply not acknowledging the age as we have seen Shefali Shah for Delhi Crime, Pooja Bhatt for Aranyak, and Ravena Tandon got Aranyak.
Hush Hush: Cast
The series features Ayesha Jhulka, Soha Ali Khan Pataudi, Kritika Kamra, and Shahana Goswami. Karishma Tana features as the investigator in the charge of the case. Now, in behind the camera is Tanuja Chandra, and Kopal Naithani, and the writers Juhi Chaturvedi, and Shikhaa Sharma. Aparna Purohit is the Head of India Originals.
Hush Hush: Release Date
Hush Hush, the series set to hit on 22nd September 2022 on Amazon Prime Video.
Here is the trailer:
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