The Lava Probuds N11 has made its debut in India. It is the local company’s fourth wireless earphone with a neckband. The most recent offering has a fair price that is in the Rs 1,000 price range. It faces competition from other brands of wireless neckband earphones, including Realme, OnePlus, boAt, Noise, and others.
Lava Probuds Specification
As was previously mentioned, the Lava Probuds N11 are wireless earphones with a neckband style. The neckband is one colour, while the earphone cord is another. This device has a dual-tone design. The earbuds have a fin and silicone ear tips for a snug fit. They are water resistant up to IPX6.
12mm dynamic drivers are included with the Lava Probuds N11. For a better calling experience, they provide ambient noise cancellation. Additionally, the 60ms low latency Pro Game mode is available. Additionally, the earphones have the ability to connect to two devices simultaneously. The 280mAh battery pack that powers the Lava Probuds N11 is said to provide 42 hours of battery life on a single charge.
The Lava Probuds N11 is available in Firefly Green, Kai Orange, and Panther Black. Customers may purchase the earphones for Rs 1,499 starting on September 17 from Lava’s online store, Amazon, and physical outlets. Only Rs 11 will be required to purchase the audio device on Amazon on September 10 at 11 a.m.
As of now, there is a lot of competition in this price segment. Customers are confused about which wireless buds are good for them. But here comes Lava (Made in India brand) to give tough competition here. It is said the sound quality of these buds is fair enough as per their price range.