Samsung India has recently closed the pre-booking option for its newly launches 4th generation of Galaxy Z Fold and Galaxy Z Flip smartphones. It was closed on 1st September and the outcome is quite positive for the brand. It received pre-bookings for over one lack of units of Galaxy Z Fold 4 and Galaxy Z Flip 4. It is a record compared to the last year and this figure makes both Flip4 and Fold4 the most popular foldable in the Indian market.
“The fourth generation Galaxy Z Flip4 and Z Fold4 have resonated with so many consumers seeking new smartphone experiences that enhance their everyday lives, meeting their productivity and creativity needs. Every year, our latest foldables outsell the previous generation, and the fourth generation pre-book results foreshadow mainstream demand for the foreseeable future. We are delighted to see that consumers have appreciated the new Galaxy Z Flip4, Galaxy Z Fold4 and the ecosystem offers. As the leader in this category, we can’t wait for our customers to get their devices beginning today and experience the latest innovations and refinements on the Galaxy Z series,” said Raju Pullan, Senior Vice President, Mobile Business, Samsung India.
Galaxy Z Flip4 builds on the success of Samsung’s iconic form factor, adding key features, including an upgraded camera experience, a larger battery and expanded customization, while maintaining its ultra-compact design. Galaxy Z Fold4 opens up new possibilities for users by delivering Samsung’s most comprehensive smartphone experience to-date, offering shape-shifting design, immersive and flexible displays and PC-like multitasking features, in addition to advanced camera technology and powerful mobile processors.
Available in Bora Purple, Graphite and Pink Gold colours, Galaxy Z Flip4 is priced at INR 89,999 for 8GB+128GB variant and INR 94999 for 8GB+256GB variant. Bespoke Edition that offers glass colours and frame options will be available on Samsung Live and Samsung Exclusive Stores for INR 97999. Available in Graygreen, Beige and Phantom Black colours, Galaxy Z Fold4 is priced at INR 154999 for 12GB+256GB variant and INR 1,64,999 for 12GB+512GB variant. Consumers can purchase 12GB+1TB variant exclusively on Samsung Live and Samsung Exclusive Stores for INR 1,84,999.
Flip4 Buy Link:
Customers who purchase Galaxy Z Fold4 will get Galaxy Watch4 Classic 46mm BT worth INR 34,999 at just INR 2,999. Additionally, customers can get INR 8,000 cashback using HDFC credit or debit cards or can avail Upgrade Bonus of INR 8000. Customers who purchase Galaxy Z Flip4 will get Galaxy Watch4 Classic 42mm BT worth INR 31,999 at just INR 2,999. Additionally, customers can get INR 7,000 cashback using HDFC credit or debit cards or can avail Upgrade Bonus of INR 7,000.
Fold4 Buy Link:
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