HBO Max unveiled the first official trailer of,” House of the Dragon,” which somehow connects with the “Game of Thrones” prequel series. The show takes us 200 years back while the vents of “Game of Thrones,” just following the incredible story of the House of Targaryen ruling King Viserys I, and the characters are aiming to achieve the goal of every character’s mind: the Iron Throne.
In following George R. R. Martin’s book “Fire &Blood,” or “House of the Dragon” which focus on Dance of the Dragons, the Targaryen internal civil war between the siblings Aegon II and Rhaenyra who battled for the throne after the death of their father. The battle in the Westeros great houses, containing the Lannisters and Stark face-off to each other that results from the death of House Targaryen’s most strong dragons. Now, it might take some centuries till Westeros has another dragon for this the credit goes to Daenerys Targaryen.
We have seen that the last time audiences in Westeros as we have seen Targaryen queen Danerys combat for that Iron Throne as she had done. However, we see a struggle among owners, mainly among the women of the Targaryen family among the old ones. The custom unveils that the King’s firstborn ascend for the position that may l
Eave the ruling of Westeros to Viserys daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen like one of the councilmen points that shows, “no queen has ever said the Iron Throne.” Beyond the protests, Rhaenyra left to be determined for seeking out what it possesses by birth, no matter how much has to tell.
House of the Dragon: Cast
‘House of Dragon’ prequel will feature Emma D’Arcy as princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, Matt Smith as Prince Daemon Targaryen, Rhynes Ifans as Otto Hightower, and Olivia Cooke as Alicient Hightower. Steve Toussaint appears, “The Sea Snake”, Loped Corlys Velarton, and Paddy Considine come as powerful King Viserys I. On rounding, the cast of the Eve Best plat the role of Princess Rhaenys Velaryon, Fabien Frankel as Criston Cole, and Sonoya Mizuno as Malaysia.
Martin is executively producing Vince Gerardi’s, and the showrunners Miguel Sapochnik and Ryan Condal. Ramin Djawadi is the Award-winning score for “Game of Thrones” became the aspiration for the world tour, returning to compose the music of the prequel. The new reports confirm when the other Westeros series was under development, only “House of the Dragon’ got the confirmation. Martin signed for the five-year agreement deal with HBO, and worked on the development of many concepts like, “Tales for Dunk and Egg”, “10,000 Ships”, “9 Voyages”, and “Flea Bottom.”
House of the Dragon: Release Date
Game of Thrones’ upcoming prequel series, “House of the Dragon” will hit on 21st August 2022 on HBO Max.
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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