India’s leading audio brand, boAt already has a huge size portfolio with so many TWS, neckbands, speakers, and soundbars. The brand is adding a new soundbar that can respond to your Hindi commands as well. boAt Aavante Bar Aaupera is the product, which is scheduled to launch on 10th July. On the launch date, it will be available at Rs.9,999. It will be available via Amazon India and boAt’s official website.
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boAt Aavante Bar Aaupera Features
This new soundbar from boAt comes with built-in Alexa support which further reacts to both English and Hindi commands. It enables to switch between input modes, change tracks, play anything as per your mood, and so on. The advanced dual far-field microphones make this feature more practical as it can receive your voice commands no matter in which corner of the room you are standing, as per the company claims.
Aavante Bar Aaupera is a 2.1 channel soundbar with the capacity of 120W powerful RMS boAt signature audio output. There should be deeper bass and sharper highs for your favourite track.
boAt has added multiple connectivity options – starting with Bluetooth 5.0 followed by USB, AUX, HDMI (ARC), and optical cables. The input modes can be changed from the dedicated boAt remote or with the help of Alexa. There are four EQ modes too – Music, Movie, News, and 3D spatial sound. Lastly, all the functionalities of Aavante Bar Aaupera is also manageable from the boAt Avante Smart mobile application.
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