Google launched Android 13 Beta 3 for correspondent Pixel smartphones on the 8th of June 2022, Wednesday and just two days later, the company updated Android 13 Beta 3.1 to correct a single problem: the Android Beta Feedback app was missing for some users on Android 13 Beta 3.
It’s not clear why the Android Beta Input app was missing from Beta 3 in the first place, given that the chief idea of the beta program is to collect feedback from users, but it’s nice to see Google expeditiously solving the problem by deriving a small point to speed up the third beta.
Google: Android 13 Beta 3
Google drops Android 13 Beta 3.1 just two days after Beta 3’s release to fix a single problem. The Android 13 Beta 3.1 doesn’t come with any other fixes, and Google says the known problems listed for the Beta 3 release still apply to Beta 3.1.
If you registered in the Android 13 beta program and already have the Beta 3 running on your device, you will receive the Beta 3.1 OTA with build number TPB3.220513.017.B1. But if you can’t wait, you have the option to download it from here and install it automatically. The Android 13 Beta 3.1 is available for Pixel 4, Pixel 4 XL, Pixel 4a, Pixel 4a 5G, Pixel 5, Pixel 5a, Pixel 6, and Pixel 6 Pro.
Google’s blog post for Beta 3 is filled with important documentation for developers to make sure their app is consonant with all of the changes and advancements in Android 13. It also has some new documentation for large screen devices, having tease to multi-window mode, taskbar interaction, and media casting.
The only change registered in today’s release refers to advancements with copy and paste. Generally, though, Android 13 is what it is: a collection of advancements to last year’s redesign with an improvement in privacy and security. These step-by-step bug-fixing upgrades are not natural and many releases get them. But one has never landed so suddenly on the heels of its initial release.