Qualcomm had announced that it will be launching a Snapdragon event in China on the 20th of May. At this event, the company will be unveiling its next-generation flagship mobile chip, the Snapdragon 8 Gen1+. Before this event occurs, a new leak has exposed some details with respect to this chip, let us take a look:
The Snapdragon 8 Gen1+ will be more energy-efficient:
Qualcomm has made the new chip on the basis of the 4nm process, it carries the model number SM8475, the chip will reportedly feature an overall boost in performance owing to 10% overclocking. The processor will retain the “1+3+4” core cluster architecture, which has a Cortex X2, Cortex A710, and Cortex A510.
As per Digital Chat Station, the CPU and the GPU of the architecture will remain the same, however, it will have an improved energy efficiency of 30%.
The power consumption will be reduced by 30% and it will feature a better performance by up to 10%. The new chipset will have better endurance and according to the tipster, this is all that has been revealed as of now.
The actual performance of the chip is still in the dark, the chip is set to be an upgrade over the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 chip and will be integrated into many flagship models that are set to release later this year.
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