At last, Apple TV+ dropped the second trailer of the ‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ series. It has been forty-five years since the first time the titular character also has been appearing in the scenes portrayed by Alec Guinness in Star Wars: A New Hope. It seems that now he has been returned along with Ewan McGregor also moving into the role as he has been portrayed at the time of the Prequel era and it seems to be safe to tell that no one has been prepared for what Lucasfilm has been planned to us.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Plot
It seems that the limited series has been set for taking place ten years after such of the tragic events of Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Now Obi-Wan Kenobi also had been dealt with the greatest fall out while his closest friend and Jedi apprentice, Anakin Skywalker also felling dark side. It is also expected to be high as we might also get while they had joined for working along with each other in the Jedi Order.
The trailer also reveals Obi-Wan Kenobi set to keep a watchful eye on the teen Luke Skywalker as the Grand Inquisitor’s hunt and also about the rise of the Empire has set to the backdrop of John Williams soul featuring “Duel of Fates.”
It is reported that Deborah Chow also made her Star Wars debut along with Chapter 3 of The Mandalorian and also now she returns with the show running and also directing the Obi-Wan Kenobi series and it had been penned by Joby Harold. It is also expected to watch what Chow also can do along with the series mainly since this will be the first live-action Star wars show as written by one screenwriter and also has been directed by a singular director. It seems to be certain to allow for one of the cohesive and creative visions. It is based on the trailer and she has been getting ready with such a release as the truly fantastic series.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Cast
It has been added that McGregor and Christenson as this series mark the returning of Joel Edgerton and Bonnie Piesse who also played Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru in the final act of the Prequel trilogy. It seems that in the latest release from Entertainment Weekly problem also had been revealed that Moses Ingram also will reveal a force-sensitive Inquisitor named Reva who seems to be tracking down Obi-Wan Kenobi. This series also has introduced the latest state of the characters along the few could theoretically be portrayed characters and it contains Kumail Naniani, Indira Varma, Rupert Friend, O’Shea Jackson Jr., Sung Kang, Simone Kessell, and Benny Safdie.
This limited series will be produced executively by Kathleen Kennedy, Michelle Rejwan, Deborah Chow, Ewan McGregor, and Joby Harold.
Obi-Wan Kenobi: Release Date
The second trailer reveals that the release date of the series has been once again pushed but just for two days. At first, the series was set to premiere on Disney+ on 25th May 2022. Now the makers confirm that the series will hit on 27th May 2022
Here is the trailer:
A big thanks for the source.
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