Nearly three Xiaomi phones are equipped with the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus chip along with 2K resolution displays are in the making as per tipster Digital Chat Station. It is fair to assume that the upcoming flagship chip will be integrated into flagships but the tipster has claimed that “both mid-to-high-end and high-end” offerings will feature it.
If you consider an upper mid-range device with a flagship chip, Redmi devices immediately come to mind. The sub-brand has earned a name for bringing performance-focused devices with high-end chips to the public, it is likely that at least one of the three devices will be its product. The Xiaomi MIX Series could also be a serious contender.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus chip is based on TSMC’s 4nm process which a lot of hope will address most of the shortcomings from Samsung’s process used to manufacture the Snapdragon 8 Gen1.
It is expected to make use of a “1+3+4” three-cluster architecture, comprising 1x super-large Cortex X2 core, 3x large Cortex A710 cores, and 4x small Cortex A510 cores.
As per sources, the new processor will be featured in the Xiaomi 12 Ultra and it will make the new Xiaomi Champion in terms of processing power which will outperform the Xiaomi 12 Pro.
The Snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus chip is expected to be released in Q2 of 2022 so we can expect the devices to also be launched at the same time.
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