Realme held a launch event on Thursday where the Realme 9 5G was unveiled alongside the Realme 9 SE. The company also announced two wearables, the S100 smartwatch, and the Realme TechLife Buds N100 neckband earbuds.
The Realme TechLife Buds N100 packs a 9.2mm dynamic bass boost driver while the frame is made of TPU and PEEK composite material. The buds also have an exclusive aluminum sound chamber.
Realme’s TechLife Buds N100 connects via Bluetooth 5.2 with an effective range of up to 10m, it has magnetic control that allows users to pair the device by just separating the two buds.
The buds also have a comfortable silicone neckband and they come with AAC audio codec.
In terms of battery life, the Techlife N100 offers up to 17 hours of music playback on a single charge. It has an IPX4 water resistance rating and a USB charging port.
In terms of the pricing, the Realme TechLife Buds N100 neckband earbuds retail for 1,299 INR or $17. They are available in Grey and Black colors. It will officially go on sale from the 15th of March via, Flipkart, and other offline stores.
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