Ex Indian footballer and coach Subhash Bhowmik had passed away on Saturday morning. He was undergoing diabetes and kidney-related treatment at a private hospital in Ekbalpur, South Kolkata for the past 14 days. he was 72. Suffering from the chronic ailment for a long time, Bhowmik’s health started going down on Saturday and he passed away at 3:30 am IST.
All India Football (@AllIndiaFtbl) tweeted:
We are deeply saddened with the loss of one prominent footballer and coach Subhash Bhowmik 🙏🏼
The dynamic man has played for Mohunbagan and East Bengal, also represented for senior national team in 69 matches netting 50 times.
A big loss for Indian Football
Let us have a look at his achievements
He was popularly known as “Bhimbol da” in Kolkata. He was a very successful footballer and a coach.
In 1970, he was a part of the Indian team that won a bronze medal in the Asian Games.
Popularly known as ‘Bhombol da’ in Kolkata, Bhowmik was a successful footballer as well as coach. He was a part of the Indian team that won a bronze medal in the 1970 Asian Games.
Subhash won a total of 26 trophies in his club career –
- 18 in Mohun Bagan itself.
- Subhash scored a total of 82 goals for Mohun Bagan in six years including four hat-tricks.
He also scored 83 goals in five years for East Bengal.
His two best years in terms of goals were in 1970 and 1986. He had scored 27 goals in 1970 and 19 in 1986. He later earned the name ” bulldozer” in Kolkata maidans because of his goal-getting capacity.
After a successful career as a footballer, he was appointed as a coach. Later, he helped East Bengal win the ASEAN Club Cup.
He believed in the modern ‘false nine’ style of playing football and later encouraged the classical attacking style and coached several young players who went on to play for the country.
Shyam Thapa his contemporary said, “He was total footballer. He never got nervous before a match. He always cheered us up and always faced challenges.”
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